The Book of Mormon does not only give advice to spiritual things; it has words to say regarding relationships, too.
Are you a single person who is always on the lookout for good relationship advice whether from the internet or from great relationship books? Do you always wonder the answer to the question “How do I develop my relationship with someone?” Are you always on the hunt for great dating advice that could score you a date or two with someone you like? Have you ever tried finding answers straight from the Book of Mormon?
Yes, you heard it right. There is some great relationship and dating advice to be found in the Book of Mormon. People don’t tend to think that the Book of Mormon includes any insights about dating, but in fact, the very opposite is true. There are hidden nuggets on dating, with tips treasured by many couples both dating and married. Every hidden gem just has to be searched with an understanding of the context of those scriptures and locations and with a heart full of hope.
As you venture into the dating scene, pray sincerely about it and you will be led by the Holy Ghost to the snippets of wisdom that will help you nurture a relationship with the guy or girl of your dreams. As Sister Nelson, wife of a latter-day Apostle, once said, “the Holy Ghost tailor fits to us what we need to know.” So, if you are still feeling confused or baffled about how to develop a long-lasting relationship with someone you like, get a copy of the Book of Mormon and start studying.
Examples of some answered questions that might be of great help in looking for a relationship are:
1. How do I know if I’m dating the right person?
“Now we will compare the [relationship] unto a seed. Now if ye give place, that a [relationship] may be planted in your heart, behold, if it be a true [relationship], or a good [relationship], if ye do not cast it out by your [pickiness, laziness, busyness, fear of commitment, etc.]…it will begin to swell within your breasts…”
We must try things out! We can’t close off our heart to the possibility of love! And though you might experience fireworks, you also might just have a long peaceful feeling that it is right—a feeling that grows with effort.
2. Once I’ve found a good relationship, then what?
“As the [relationship] beginneth to grow, ye will say: Let us nourish it with great care, that it may get root, that it may grow up, and bring forth fruit unto us.”
I know that, at least in part, the reason I didn’t get engaged until I was 29 was because I neglected good sprouts, replacing them with fun, other girls, and fear. How many of us have seen terrible outcomes from fantastic relationships that are left unattended? Spencer W. Kimball (1895-1985), previous president of the LDS Church, said, “…successful marriage depends in large measure upon the preparation made in approaching it…One cannot pick the ripe, rich, luscious fruit from a tree that was never planted, nurtured, nor pruned” (The Miracle of Forgiveness, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1969, p. 242).
In the book of Alma in the Book of Mormon, there’s one amusing but definitely profound piece of relationship advice for single adults.
Full Read: LDSLiving.com