I once read on a bumper sticker the line “Ask One to Be One.”
With a large number of Mormons in the Philippines, over 700,000 and growing, it is not hard to find one. You might be attending the same school with them or rubbing elbows at work. A simple inquiry on what they believe and why they are Mormons can spark a conversation. With that may come a desire to know more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – or Mormon church for short.
So how does one become a Mormon?

Mormon Full-time Missionaries come in pairs and go about finding and teaching people who are willing to hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Get Referred
The Church mainly works through a referral system. This means that members refer interested friends and family members to the full-time missionaries. Full-time missionaries are the young people you see going about in pairs with name tags. They are there to teach everyone who is willing to hear the basic principles of the Gospel. They can also share to you what Mormons believe. Of course you can also approach full-time missionaries directly if you see a pair passing by. They will be more than willing to answer your questions.
You can also visit the Church website www.lds.org. or request a pair of missionaries to visit your home by visiting this site:
You can also have missionary lessons online by chatting with them on the same website.

Missionaries teach and extend invitations to pray and ask the Lord if what they are being taught is true.
Get Lessons and Make Commitments
The full-time missionaries will start teaching you the basic principles and doctrines of the Mormon Church. This is also an opportunity for you to ask questions. With the lessons will come invitations for you to act upon them. You will be invited to apply the things that you are being taught. The missionaries will ask you to pray and ask the Lord if the things that you are hearing are true. You will also be invited to read The Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is another book of scripture that compliments The Holy Bible in teaching about Jesus Christ.
Get Baptized
Baptism is an important step required for someone to be a member of the Mormon Church. To be baptized, one must finish all the missionary lessons. You must have completed all the commitments that have been extended to you, and attended church meetings on Sundays. Worthiness for baptism is determined by interviews with the missionaries. You will also have the opportunity to talk to the leader of the congregation you will belong to.
The process of deciding to be baptized is different for everybody. For some it is a smooth journey of only a couple of months. But for some it may take years as they learn more and decide to follow Jesus Christ and His teachings.
Baptism in the Mormon Church is by immersion, the same way that Jesus Christ was baptized when He was on earth. Members of the congregation can come as well as anyone else the person to be baptized wants to invite. Then priesthood holders will lay their hands upon the newly baptized member’s head and give him or her the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
Get Going on the Path
Being baptized into the Mormon Church is not an end but a beginning. On the journey towards baptism, you get the chance to act upon the things you know. And that process will continue even after you become a member of the Church. You can continue to make and keep sacred covenants with the Lord and draw closer to Him. It isn’t always easy, and we all stumble and make mistakes along the way. But the Lord has also given us the gift of repentance. Repentance allows us to continue moving forward and upward in our lives, following the example of the Savior. Mormons believe and strive towards change. They work for the kind of change that enriches and alters lives for the better, a change of perspective, “a mighty change of heart.”