Parents can provide an environment in the home that can safeguard their children from the evils of the world.
What does it mean to raise a righteous family in today’s world and society? How do we truly grow a family in truth and righteousness despite the differing opinions and false ideologies that surround us today? When things get hard, we can sometimes ask ourselves “Is it truly possible to raise a righteous eternal family?” The answer to this question is a resounding “Yes!”
In Moses 1:39, the Lord clearly indicated His desire and that is “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” However, that does not happen in an instant. The Lord needs the help of the family to bring about this plan. That is why the call for more righteous families who build their foundation on the truths of the gospel has become urgent.
When the “true points of the doctrine” are taught inside the home, the father, mother, and children become more fully equipped to face the challenges of the adversary. One of the greatest anxieties of parents is raising children in today’s toxic world. Can we really raise good children in a morally-challenged world? President Boyd K. Packer (1924 – 2015), a latter-day apostle, offered this comforting advice for everyone: “One thing is very clear: the safest place and the best protection against the moral and spiritual diseases is a stable home and family.”
Nowadays, we can see the power of Satan in full force as he subtly demeans the role of motherhood, belittles the call of being a father, and makes couples believe that they can delay childbirth in favor of seemingly more important pursuits. He knows just how important the family is in Heavenly Father’s great plan and the role that we have to play in combating the false teachings of the adversary. The perception of a traditional righteous family is fading but still exists and is still possible to establish today.
Full article on how to raise righteous family: LDS.net