Ever heard of that weird rule that your mormon friend told you about dating? Yep, the 16 rule. Mormon teens are not allowed to date until 16, here are the three really good reasons why.

Ever heard of that weird rule that your mormon friend told you about dating? Yep, the 16 rule. Mormon teens are not allowed to date until 16, here are the three really good reasons why.
My heart was full of disappointment when I was not given the blessing I have been yearning for and doubted whether God knew best, not knowing that He is just redirecting my course and leading me to where I need to be.
Sometimes we forget to consider these 3 important things in setting goals daily. Find out what these important principles are and make each day count.
How can this year’s Valentine’s Day make a difference in your marriage? Find unique and exciting Valentine’s Day dating ideas for married couples here.
We love our Young Single Adults and we always make sure they know by asking them relationship-related questions every now and then. But are our questions really helping?
With everyone trying to prove that their lives are better than the rest, life’s biggest challenge is overcoming comparisons. Sometimes, we feel less blessed. But are we really?
Love is the key. Do not bring people back to church without love. As cliché as it may sound, loving them is what we must do—whether they come back to church or not.
Before we go on to marriage, it is necessary to find that special someone first. It may take plenty of effort and time. Try out these 25 ideas to improve your dating efforts for this year.
Many of us think of love as an attribute. But it is more. In the gospel of Mark, Jesus gives the first great commandment which is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Coming up with New Year’s resolutions can be challenging. But, if we draw inspiration from the Savior’s invitations, we can make meaningful changes in our lives.