Jesus had a humble birth. He was born in a stable and his crib was a manger because there was no room for Him and His family in the inn (Luke 2:7). How often have we felt pity that no one in Bethlehem had a place for the prophesied King of Kings? But, aren’t we sometimes like the innkeepers of old when we fail to have room for Him in different aspects of our lives? As we celebrate Jesus’ birth this Christmas, let us make room for Him in these important places.
In Our Communities
During the Christmas holiday, there are a lot of people everywhere we go. There are long lines at the grocery stores, department stores, and just about any other store out there. Our community is buzzing with excitement and is getting busy – too often for the wrong reasons. We focus too much on fun parties, expensive gifts, and delicious food. But, Christmas has never been about those things. It is about commemorating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Everything else is just extra. There’s no room for our Savior if we rush, hurry, and worry all the time. We need to focus less on material things and focus more on spiritual things during the Christmas season in our community. This way, we can free up a lot of space for Jesus.

An ideal family Christmas is not about having matching sweaters, gifts under the Christmas tree, or a feast on the dining table. Rather, it is about having a Spirit of love in the home.
In Our Families
Christmas holiday brings out opportunities for family members to spend more time together. Make the most out of your time by doing activities that will draw you closer to each other and to Jesus Christ. Teach your children about the importance of sharing blessings with others. Show greater love and appreciation for your spouse. Do something special for your parents and siblings. An ideal family Christmas is not about having matching sweaters, gifts under the Christmas tree, or a feast on the dining table. Rather, it is about having a Spirit of love in the home.
Don’t have a house full of loved ones? Don’t worry. Christmas is the perfect time for you to feel that you have a family with God. You are Heavenly Father’s child and Jesus Christ is your “Big Brother.” No one is ever alone with Them at your side. As you come to understand and apply the true essence of Christmas within your families, you will feel the magic – found in the Savior – which this season brings.
In Our Hearts
The Bible says “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7).” It means that what is in your heart is a reflection of who you are. Think about your deepest yearnings and desires. Is Jesus a part of them? If not, it is time to make major changes in your life. Making room for Jesus starts within you. As you center your life on Him, it will have a domino effect on other aspects of your life, such as in your family and your community. You can start trying to keep Him in your thoughts and heart this Christmas and carry it throughout the year.

That first Christmas in Bethlehem was a night to remember in the history of the world because it focused on the Savior.
A Real Christmas
Let’s pattern our Christmas after that first Christmas in Bethlehem. It was simple yet heartwarming. It was a night to remember in the history of the world because it focused on the Savior. Have a real Christmas this year by making room for Jesus.