The Book of Mormon contains many inspirational stories of people thriving in difficult times—stories that we can learn from amidst these challenging times.
A burning bosom is an essential part of personal revelation. But what if you felt no burning on your chest after you’ve prayed about the Book of Mormon?
The Book of Mormon is a great resource of comfort and assurance for those who need forgiveness and second chances in their life. Here are some Book of Mormon verses to remember.
Staying on the ship of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the safest way we can cross the harsh ocean towards the Promised Land. If we ever find ourselves thinking of jumping off the ship to escape the terrible storms of life, we need to recognize that the storms are harder to deal with outside the ship.
As a person who prides in reading A LOT of books, I was struck by my father’s words: “You’ve been forgetting to read the Book of Mormon. It’s a book you ought to read every day.”
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