When we are searching for the truth, we need to have “real intent”. But what does it mean to have real intent? How do we gain real intent?

When we are searching for the truth, we need to have “real intent”. But what does it mean to have real intent? How do we gain real intent?
New Testament lessons, including that of Martha, can help us find ways to effectively help our family members. Learn more from this article.
Ever wondered what life as Pinoy Mormon Teen is like? Here is a list of the common adventures, and sometimes misadventures that goes on in their lives.
Gaining a testimony is an ongoing cycle of nourishing and growing. Hence, we should not feel spiritually inadequate if we do not have perfect testimonies.
Sometimes, we can’t help but indulge in judging others. But what seems to be a harmless thing actually has unfortunate consequences. Know more here.
Sometimes, we may think it is easier to be sad than happy. What do we do when it seems too difficult to be happy? The scriptures teach us three of the top ways to feel happier.
God’s plan for us includes coming to Earth to learn and gain experience. A perfect or pre-destined life with identical experiences is not part of that plan.
Mormon Youth all over the world make time and effort to attend Seminary. Why do they go? What is Seminary? Here we answer those questions.
Mormon marriage may seem odd to many as young men and women decide to get married early. What could the reasons be for such bold decision?
Amidst rumors of wars, peace is never lost because it always can be found within. Becoming spiritually prepared will always yield the promise of peace.