Although Mormon women do not hold the priesthood, they are allowed to lead in the LDS church in organizations such as Relief Society and Young Women.

Although Mormon women do not hold the priesthood, they are allowed to lead in the LDS church in organizations such as Relief Society and Young Women.
Mormon rumors are common. In fact, they are everywhere. What can you do to confirm if a Mormon rumor is true? Here are five steps you can take.
Each of us is in the middle of the generations—a chain of eternal family that wants to be together forever. The choices we make today can either break or build that chain. What we do in this life affects generations before and after us. Generations before us One of...
You see them smiling. You see them enjoying their role as mothers and wives. Are they always supposed to do it? Are Mormon moms required to stay at home?
LDS Sunday Service consists of a Sacrament Meeting, Sunday School and Auxiliary Meeting. These meetings help members become closer to God.
Pornography has become so pervasive in our society. But is porn really that bad? Here is how it will negatively affect your life and how you can quit.
Even though the Lord spoke to this man many years ago, we can still liken the revelation to Oliver Cowdery to our lives. Here are some things we can learn.
What can we do when we sometimes stumble on our path to repentance. See how a simple can of potato chips taught a powerful lesson on repentance.
Happiness is not a choice for those battling emotional disorders and mental illness. During this hard reality in their lives, what can we do to help them?
In a world with differing outlook on love, what can we do to avoid incorrect love? Find out how service, time & sacrifice lead to the right kind of love.