Church leaders reassure those who may feel unwelcome in the Church that they are loved and needed, and counsels church members to reach out to them

Church leaders reassure those who may feel unwelcome in the Church that they are loved and needed, and counsels church members to reach out to them
Gospel principles can be found anywhere at any time. Sometimes, we will be able to see them in the most common setting like a jeepney ride.
One reason for a woman’s lasting happiness and beauty is when she knows her worth as a woman. Find out how a woman can be more beautiful in and out.
By paying tithing, Church members show their gratitude to God for their blessings and their resolve to trust in the Lord rather than in material things.
Amidst life challenges, we can be comforted that when we put our hope to the Lord’s promises, He will sustain us through hard times.
Becoming a missionary means dedicating my 18 months to the Lord’s service and exhausting all my faculties to hasten His work.
Our bodies are temples. If we wonder if we can take a break from modesty, we can ask ourselves, “Can our bodies take a break from being temples of God?”
Our weaknesses do not make us unclean but make us strong, help us progress spiritually and bring us closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
It is okay to get lost. Going through this trial was the way for Jesus to find me, for me to find myself again, and for me to learn the gift of being lost.
Life is more than science and mathematics, more than history and literature. There is a need for another education- a spiritual education.