We can overcome feeling envy when we realize that others receiving more, does not make us less of who we are, less loved by God, or less fortunate.

We can overcome feeling envy when we realize that others receiving more, does not make us less of who we are, less loved by God, or less fortunate.
Our faith in Jesus Christ’s atonement and a complete submission to the will of the Lord will set us free, and will give us greater comfort and peace.
“Making righteous choices will help get you on the path of righteousness and make sure you don’t wander.” – Paul V. Johnson It was a bright summer afternoon, perfect for a trip back to Manila. My husband, my brother-in-law and his wife spent a couple of days in...
Growing up a Mormon with Catholic ancestors helped me learn valuable things that I will continue to remember throughout my life.
Forgetting past sins and transgressions means forgetting the pain and guilt we have felt and not letting them have any power over us.
Freedom is a gift to man’s obedience to the laws and commandments of God. Learn more on how liberty can bring joy and happiness to man’s life.
Sibling rivalry is common among children. Jealousy, competition, age difference and parental praise are just some of the causes. Find out how to solve them.
A young woman grew up under challenging circumstances, but these did not stop her from pressing forward with faith and hope. Know her story here.
There will be times when the plans we have for ourselves are different from God’s timetable. But trusting in the Lord’s timing can bring comfort and peace.
“The Lord will send us a child eventually… maybe just not this month. Maybe a baby will come when the season changes,” are thoughts routinely expressed by daughters of God all over the world, who have been called, for whatever reason, to wait for the blessings of...