As we continue holding on the iron rod, may we remember those who have lost their way. Our voice may be what they need to get back to the rod.

As we continue holding on the iron rod, may we remember those who have lost their way. Our voice may be what they need to get back to the rod.
At this Easter season, we solemnly testify that our Savior was resurrected and that He lives again… and those who follow the Savior’s teachings and receive the gospel’s saving ordinances will be blessed with life eternal.
Like earthquakes, the temptations and challenges in our life can come as a surprise. How can we stand the spiritual earthquakes of our lives?
God reveals His mysteries to man in His own due time. There are no secretive doctrines in the Church…just sacred things.
In our life, we are faced with all kinds of subtle yet dangerous temptations. Here are some things we can do to survive spiritual tsunamis.
Today, I excitedly wrote down my goals. I decided I would write more, exercise longer, eat healthier. However, by 12 PM, I have accomplished nothing but feeding the baby and keeping him company. The meals I prepared were left untouched, the scripture block I prepared...
No one can say that they have prepared everything before getting married. Here are 5 important things I wish I truly understood before getting married.
With many roles that we need to fulfill, 24-hours never seem to be enough. How can we prioritize things so we need not run more than we have strength?
LDS teachers have been imparting wisdom to other people, and improving their understanding of gospel principles. What else can they do differently?
When your bishop extends a call to serve in the ward and you accept it, how do you respond to his invitation to magnify your calling?