
When Loved Ones Are In a Faith Crisis: What Do We Do?

When Jessica and Millette (not her real name) knew they shared the same birthday and baptism date, they decided they would be missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints together.  They attended the same ward, finished their Young Women...

When Loved Ones Are In a Faith Crisis: What Do We Do?

When Jessica and Millette (not her real name) knew they shared the same birthday and baptism date, they decided they would be missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints together.  They attended the same ward, finished their Young Women...

These Fears Make Repentance Hard + How to Find Strength

One inevitable step Christians face in their journey is repentance: the act of acknowledging mistakes, confessing sins and casting them at Jesus’ feet.   Repentance is a powerful balm we can access when we need to turn away from sin and come back to the...

When Loved Ones Are In a Faith Crisis: What Do We Do?

When Jessica and Millette (not her real name) knew they shared the same birthday and baptism date, they decided they would be missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints together.  They attended the same ward, finished their Young Women...

These Fears Make Repentance Hard + How to Find Strength

One inevitable step Christians face in their journey is repentance: the act of acknowledging mistakes, confessing sins and casting them at Jesus’ feet.   Repentance is a powerful balm we can access when we need to turn away from sin and come back to the...

Why You Should Come And Worship With Us

Because of the global pandemic, we resorted to hold Sunday services virtually. Thankfully, we continue to worship at home and spend more time with our family. Now, the local government units have lifted off the restrictions. A lot of us were excited to go back to...
Sustaining the Brethren: Faith vs. Reason

Sustaining the Brethren: Faith vs. Reason

Sustaining the brethren is loving God. Part of our human nature is the desire to know the reason for everything we experience in life. Why do birds fly? Why do I have to finish school? Why should I pay tithes? Why, why, why… Wanting to understand life is not...

Forgiving: My Greatest Victory

Forgiving: My Greatest Victory

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7zwQ_7q-fU Many of us have experienced the pain of being offended or hurt by the people around us. It is harder to accept when it’s the people we love that cause our sadness. As far as I know, forgiving someone is one of the most...

Jesus Christ’s Attribute: Virtue

Jesus Christ’s Attribute: Virtue

In our world today, virtue often goes unnoticed. Also, many people do not understand its meaning and importance, and yet for those who diligently seek it, they know that virtue comes with power from the Most High. One story of Christ’s life where His use of virtue is...

A Young Mother’s Journey

A Young Mother’s Journey

I remember one night hearing myself cry. It had been almost 3 years since Dondi and I got married. After our wedding, we both wanted to have children. Many people said, “You’re still young to be a mom and you won’t make it” and then some said, “You should save first...

Still Single at 23 and I’m Okay

Still Single at 23 and I’m Okay

I lived over 3 years surrounded with great single adults and it has been an exciting experience. As my winter, spring and fall days passed, I saw many of my friends and associates getting engaged and getting married. One spring Saturday, I looked at my calendar and...

Mormons and Ancient Records

Mormons and Ancient Records

If you asked a random person about Mormons you will most probably be met with a blank stare, or maybe a raised eyebrow. If you are lucky they will look at something in the sky and start scratching their head and will start muttering something under their breath. You...

What is the Book of Mormon?

What is the Book of Mormon?

The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. It is a book of scripture that complements the teachings of the Savior written in the Bible.

Jesus Christ’s Attribute: Patience

Jesus Christ’s Attribute: Patience

The Savior’s life is an example of patience. He endured all things and never complained. Have we developed that kind of patience in our life?

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