
When Loved Ones Are In a Faith Crisis: What Do We Do?

When Jessica and Millette (not her real name) knew they shared the same birthday and baptism date, they decided they would be missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints together.  They attended the same ward, finished their Young Women...

When Loved Ones Are In a Faith Crisis: What Do We Do?

When Jessica and Millette (not her real name) knew they shared the same birthday and baptism date, they decided they would be missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints together.  They attended the same ward, finished their Young Women...

These Fears Make Repentance Hard + How to Find Strength

One inevitable step Christians face in their journey is repentance: the act of acknowledging mistakes, confessing sins and casting them at Jesus’ feet.   Repentance is a powerful balm we can access when we need to turn away from sin and come back to the...

When Loved Ones Are In a Faith Crisis: What Do We Do?

When Jessica and Millette (not her real name) knew they shared the same birthday and baptism date, they decided they would be missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints together.  They attended the same ward, finished their Young Women...

These Fears Make Repentance Hard + How to Find Strength

One inevitable step Christians face in their journey is repentance: the act of acknowledging mistakes, confessing sins and casting them at Jesus’ feet.   Repentance is a powerful balm we can access when we need to turn away from sin and come back to the...

Why You Should Come And Worship With Us

Because of the global pandemic, we resorted to hold Sunday services virtually. Thankfully, we continue to worship at home and spend more time with our family. Now, the local government units have lifted off the restrictions. A lot of us were excited to go back to...
Who Do Mormons Worship, Joseph Smith or Jesus Christ?

Who Do Mormons Worship, Joseph Smith or Jesus Christ?

When members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (“Mormons”) constantly bringing up the name of Joseph Smith, The Founder of the Mormon Church (1830), people wonder in what esteem they hold him. Do Mormons worship Joseph Smith? Or are they truly...

Ways That Your Spouse May Be Saying I Love You

Ways That Your Spouse May Be Saying I Love You

You may have heard the tale before: you can’t tell if your husband truly loves you because he doesn’t always say it. Sometimes saying “I love you” is not part of a man’s habit. Some men don’t always find it easy to deal with words and verbal expressions of love, but...

The Boy Joseph: Background of the Prophet of God

The Boy Joseph: Background of the Prophet of God

President John Taylor, one of the prophets who succeeded Joseph Smith said, "The Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world than any other man that lived in it." The Lord has shown a pattern of choosing humble...

What Would I Answer If I had an Interview on Christ?

What Would I Answer If I had an Interview on Christ?

Whenever we see my mother's nose going red, we tease her that she is about to cry. My mother is neither overly emotional nor is she fond of crying. However, one thing is always for sure - whenever she talks about the Savior and His atonement, she easily sheds tears. I...

Mormon’s View on Infant Baptism

Mormon’s View on Infant Baptism

Baptism is the first saving ordinance of the gospel. The full essence of this is shown when Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was baptized. With this being said, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gives importance on baptism: however, the Church does not...

What Marriage Means to Mormons

What Marriage Means to Mormons

Known as one of the religions who speak so highly of marriage, it is inevitable that so many questions surround the Mormon belief on marriage. Questions like 'Do Mormons only marry Mormons?', 'Do Mormons really have one wife only?', 'What are the Mormon marriage...

The Music Hallelujah: Praise ye the Lord

The Music Hallelujah: Praise ye the Lord

We often here the word hallelujah, commonly in elderly people. In Hebrew, this means “Praise ye the Lord.” But what does it really mean? This holy week find out how can we truly praise the Lord? May we, with the future dawning . Day by day from sin be free, That on...

Easter Week Date with the Lord

Easter Week Date with the Lord

Everyone is packing, preparing to go on a vacation, busy on planning, booking ticket for a good trip but what is really the meaning of  this Easter season? Here is a list as an Easter week date with the Lord to help us draw our attention back to this season's real...

Pano Maging Right Person to Someone?

Pano Maging Right Person to Someone?

Marami sa atin ang naghihintay ng tamang panahon, pagkakataon, oras at syempre tamang tao na makakasama natin sa buhay natin. Pero ang tanong ikaw ba? Right person ka ba sa kanya? Pano nga ba malaman kung ikaw ang tamang tao para sa kanya? Siguro walang makasasagot ng...

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