
When Loved Ones Are In a Faith Crisis: What Do We Do?

When Jessica and Millette (not her real name) knew they shared the same birthday and baptism date, they decided they would be missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints together.  They attended the same ward, finished their Young Women...

When Loved Ones Are In a Faith Crisis: What Do We Do?

When Jessica and Millette (not her real name) knew they shared the same birthday and baptism date, they decided they would be missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints together.  They attended the same ward, finished their Young Women...

These Fears Make Repentance Hard + How to Find Strength

One inevitable step Christians face in their journey is repentance: the act of acknowledging mistakes, confessing sins and casting them at Jesus’ feet.   Repentance is a powerful balm we can access when we need to turn away from sin and come back to the...

When Loved Ones Are In a Faith Crisis: What Do We Do?

When Jessica and Millette (not her real name) knew they shared the same birthday and baptism date, they decided they would be missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints together.  They attended the same ward, finished their Young Women...

These Fears Make Repentance Hard + How to Find Strength

One inevitable step Christians face in their journey is repentance: the act of acknowledging mistakes, confessing sins and casting them at Jesus’ feet.   Repentance is a powerful balm we can access when we need to turn away from sin and come back to the...

Why You Should Come And Worship With Us

Because of the global pandemic, we resorted to hold Sunday services virtually. Thankfully, we continue to worship at home and spend more time with our family. Now, the local government units have lifted off the restrictions. A lot of us were excited to go back to...
President Nelson’s Visit to Manila – March 2016

President Nelson’s Visit to Manila – March 2016

President  Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve addressed Filipino Saints. Excitement began when the San Pablo stake president, President Maligon gave us a heads up that the devotional would start in 10 minutes. Everyone was encouraged to observe silence and...

What do Mormons Believe about the “Original Sin?”

What do Mormons Believe about the “Original Sin?”

Original sin is a concept stemming from the event when Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit and were cast out from the Garden of Eden and from the presence of God. After partaking of the fruit they became mortal with a body of flesh and bones. Original sin is a...

Adversity is an Opportunity

Adversity is an Opportunity

It is our choice to be "broken by adversity or ... become stronger" During our relief society class, the teacher asked what comes to our minds every time we hear the word “adversary.” I raised my hand and answered, “Opportunity!” which made everyone laugh (and made me...

How Much Do You Know About God?

How Much Do You Know About God?

Knowing God and His special relationship to us brings us closer to Him. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a.k.a. Mormons) believe that God is our Heavenly Father. We are His literal sons and daughters which means that He knows us...

What is a Mormon Sacrament Meeting

What is a Mormon Sacrament Meeting

Sacrament Meeting is a Mormon Church service. It’s when members living in a specific area gather together to partake the sacrament, learn about the gospel, and fellowship each other. Attending sacrament meeting is part of a Mormon’s Sabbath-day observance. For most...

Valentine’s Day: A Day to Remember the Savior’s Love

Valentine’s Day: A Day to Remember the Savior’s Love

Everyone is so busy making plans for a date or activity on Valentine’s Day. There are couples who want to create happy memories and single people who are planning to have a fun activity together. Some prefer to stay at home and watch T.V. while others just want to...

Paano Hindi Maging Bitter sa Araw ng mga Puso?

Paano Hindi Maging Bitter sa Araw ng mga Puso?

“Wickedness never was happiness” isa sa pinaka sikat na line sa Book of Mormon (Alma 41:10). Pero para sa mga single the most famous line should be “Bitterness never was happiness!” Pero paano nga ba hindi maging bitter ang mga single sa araw ng mga puso? Take it from...

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