
When Loved Ones Are In a Faith Crisis: What Do We Do?

When Jessica and Millette (not her real name) knew they shared the same birthday and baptism date, they decided they would be missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints together.  They attended the same ward, finished their Young Women...

When Loved Ones Are In a Faith Crisis: What Do We Do?

When Jessica and Millette (not her real name) knew they shared the same birthday and baptism date, they decided they would be missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints together.  They attended the same ward, finished their Young Women...

These Fears Make Repentance Hard + How to Find Strength

One inevitable step Christians face in their journey is repentance: the act of acknowledging mistakes, confessing sins and casting them at Jesus’ feet.   Repentance is a powerful balm we can access when we need to turn away from sin and come back to the...

When Loved Ones Are In a Faith Crisis: What Do We Do?

When Jessica and Millette (not her real name) knew they shared the same birthday and baptism date, they decided they would be missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints together.  They attended the same ward, finished their Young Women...

These Fears Make Repentance Hard + How to Find Strength

One inevitable step Christians face in their journey is repentance: the act of acknowledging mistakes, confessing sins and casting them at Jesus’ feet.   Repentance is a powerful balm we can access when we need to turn away from sin and come back to the...

Why You Should Come And Worship With Us

Because of the global pandemic, we resorted to hold Sunday services virtually. Thankfully, we continue to worship at home and spend more time with our family. Now, the local government units have lifted off the restrictions. A lot of us were excited to go back to...
Remember, and Perish Not

Remember, and Perish Not

“O man, remember, and perish not.” Mosiah 4:30 Remembering is essential to our spiritual growth.There are so many precious moments in one’s life that should be remembered. And it’s not just for the sake of reminiscing. It plays an important role in keeping our...

Looking for That “Potential” Someone

Looking for That “Potential” Someone

Elder Robert D. Hales’ counsel in the last October 2015 General Conference has gotten a lot of attention among the young single adults. He said, “…none of us marry perfection; we marry potential.” As I ponder on this counsel, I often wonder what young adults consider...

We Can Be Angels Here On Earth As We Seek To Help Others

It was a fifth Sunday so the bishopric, or the leaders of local branches of the Church, were assigned to talk. My brother-in-law is a member of the bishopric so I paid more attention to his words on tithing and the blessing of being a full tithe payer. Tithing, to...

Mas Masaya Ba Talaga Pag May Asawa?

Mas Masaya Ba Talaga Pag May Asawa?

Marami akong friends who told me na mas masaya may asawa. This was before I got married. I didn’t fully understand what they meant then. Sa isip ko, cguro nga mas masaya kasi may kasama ka sa bahay, may ka-kwentuhan lagi, and hindi ka na lonely. But as I thought about...

Just Put It Down: Mobile Limitations Have To Be Set

Just Put It Down: Mobile Limitations Have To Be Set

I grew up in the province without electricity, television, iPad, cellphone and internet. I still vividly remember how my siblings and I gather around a lamp while making our homework. My elder sisters and brother always had my back when I had questions about...

How Excited Are We for Sunday?

How Excited Are We for Sunday?

Sunday is a day looking forward to. It is a day that our continuous conversion is strengthened as we come and worship the Lord.

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